Privacy Policy

Of security policies

  1. The Site respects the confidentiality of all data relating to the User.
  2. The data provided by The User or collected on The Site, will be used for registration purposes, sales processing to the User and if the User accepts, to send promotional materials on the products and services of The Provider.
  3. The Site has its own Domain Certificate, which shows the identity and responsibility of the web page.
  4. All information regarding credit cards will be handled only by the payment processing financial entity, so our server will not capture said data, and will only record the data of the client and the sale operation carried out.
  5. All information regarding the Spice Up loyalty program will be managed by The Provider, so the server will need to capture the User's data and the information of the sale made for its transmission.
  6. The Site guarantees the User that the information exchanged between the parties is kept private and that when they enter the Site they will browse a secure web page.

Of the informed consent related to the collection, treatment and use of personal data by the supplier and the brand

  1. The Provider, in accordance with Law 8968 on the Protection of the Person against the processing of their personal data, informs the following:
    • The Provider have a database (within which personal information of restricted access and unrestricted access is registered) in order to have accurate and sufficient data on their customers, to identify the people who carry out transactions shopping.
    • It is understood as personal data processing, according to Law 8968, any operation or set of operations, carried out through automated or manual procedures and applied to personal data, such as: collection, registration, organization, conservation, modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination, distribution or any other way that facilitates access to them, comparison or interconnection, as well as their blocking, deletion or destruction, among others.
    • The use of personal data is solely for services and products in accordance with the strategy and business goals of the Provider.
    • The personal database is only consulted by the workers of The Supplier, duly hired and authorized, complying with the security controls required by laws and regulations.
    • The destination of personal information is for internal use only, in order to streamline and promote the efficiency of the services or products that The Provider offer and thus guarantee users their full and proper use.
    • The Supplier are the guarantors of creating and guarding the database of their clients in their central offices. Said database is protected and insured as established by the regulations.
    • Each client of The Provider has the right to access their personal data, rectify or delete them in accordance with Law 8968.
  2. The Provider may also request personal information on other occasions, such as when you participate in a contest or promotion sponsored by The Provider or any of its partners, when you send a classified ad, when you send a list of a Website, when making purchases through The Provider, and when you inform us of a problem with our sites or services. We may also conduct surveys from time to time to internally assess traffic and the services we offer.
  3. The Provider may use cookies to control and store your personal data. A cookie is a small data set that our Web server sends to your browser. The cookie is stored on the hard drive of your computer. Cookies are commonly used to remind us who you are and to be able to access your account information (stored on our computers) in order to offer you a more personalized service, we also use these cookies to calculate the size of our audience, to measure some traffic parameters, know the areas of the Website visited by you. You have the ability to accept or not cookies by changing your browser preferences. You can reset your browser so that it does not accept cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent to your computer.
  4. The Provider may in some cases provide this information to other companies related to us.
  5. If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy or if you consider that any of the sites in our network do not comply with the principles described herein, please contact the Legal Department of The Provider by email:
  6. The User of the Site knows and expressly accepts the following:
    • I expressly, voluntarily and informedly authorize my consent for The Provider, in accordance with the provisions of article five of the Law for the Protection of the Person Against the Processing of Personal Data No. 8968, carry out the necessary treatment of my personal and/or sensitive data, for internal purposes of the Company and in accordance with the Privacy established in said law. I authorize The Provider for present and future analysis, to store, consult, update and verify my personal information, so that for the purposes of the normal course of their services, directly, offer and/or send me information about goods, products, services, promotions, news, messages, consumer notices or default notices.
    • I grant my consent to The Provider to process my personal information, in accordance with the personal data use treatment policy, and therefore I promise to regularly read the privacy notice and the aforementioned policy available at: The Site.
    • In the same way, whenever I deem so, I can exercise my right as the owner of the data to know, update, rectify and delete my personal information; as well as the right to revoke the consent granted for the processing of personal data. I can exercise these rights through the channels provided by The Provider for customer service and observing the personal data processing policy of The Provider available on The Site.
    • I have read, know and accept the content of this contract of regulations and agreements of the site and in faith of the foregoing I accept all its conditions and terms.

From the applicable legislation

  • The relations between The Site and The User will be governed by the laws of the Republic of Costa Rica and the applicable international treaties. Any dispute, controversy and/or claim caused or related to these terms and conditions will be resolved by the corresponding instances in accordance with Costa Rican legislation.